Wednesday, February 21, 2007

February 21, 2007 - Bouncy, Bouncy Ball...

…rolling to and fro. Where it goes? Nobody knows. Well, actually, they (I) do. To Art. Leslie’s sending me to the Art Department, starting tomorrow. I was supposed to be with Casting for two episodes, but I guess art needs me more. Quite frankly, I think I’d learn more about what I want to do (TV acting/scriptwriting) in Casting, but oh well. I’m sure I’ll have a fun and educational experience in whichever department she sends me to. Besides, I’ll get to go back to Casting when they hold their producer’s session, so it’ll be the best of both worlds…minus the sleep. Leslie asked me to come-in at 9:30. Mind you, I was used to coming in earlier in the Production Office, but Casting had me in at 11 every day. I’m going to miss that extra hour and-a-half of rest…

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