Monday, January 22, 2007

January 22, 2007 - Color Me Purple

Working in the writing department is a huge change of pace from the production office. There were several points at which I didn’t have anything to do, but felt like I should be doing something. Both Leslie and Kate said that, if I really feel that way, I can help up front during slow periods. I might just take them up on that. Besides, while I’m having fun where I’m at now, I miss the hectic environment that is production (odd as that may be). I’m moderately jealous of the new guy they hired (but he seems nice. I think he’ll work out great for them).

I did a lot of reading today. I read through four scripts from past episodes of the show. I love read scripts, because I can (usually) get a pretty good picture of what’s going on in my head, without even having watched the actual episode. Besides, that, I also organized, tidying up the bookcase in the writers’ office.

Later in the afternoon, Kate had me run to Warren’s apartment to have him sign a few documents. As it turned out, he’d previously signed a copy of them, rendering my trip useless. Well, it wasn’t useless. It was a moderately nice day and I enjoyed exploring new territory around the city.

I finished the night off by organizing a cabinet of VHS final cut episodes from the show’s earlier seasons and helping count/brad script revisions. Earlier in the day, Kate gave me (and several other people around the office) tickets to see Marsha Norman’s (she’s a writer on the show) new play, The Color Purple tomorrow on Broadway. I’m quite excited about it, as it’s the first Broadway production I’ll have seen.

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